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Members showcase net zero progress at Innovation Zero panel

Discussion held as part of UK Government-backed summit in London

Planning reform, improved grid connectivity, upskilling and greater political stability all featured on member wish lists in our most recent discussion around measures needed to spur sustainable investment in the UK. 

Representatives from Hermes, Infracapital and IFM flagged the need for the UK to develop its regulatory frameworks and green incentives in light of the US' Inflation Reduction Act and EU's Green Deal Industrial Plan. 

The UK Infrastructure Bank was also represented on the panel, emphasising its aim to crowd in private investment in the UK by taking on more risk than investors, thereby acting as a complement to, rather than competitor of, established lenders. 

The event, which took place as part of the Government's Innovation Zero summit, shone a light on a number of member case studies which are at the cutting edge of decarbonisation, including Zenobe's battery and bus electrification sucesses, AB Ports' Read for Tomorrow initiative and Manchester Airport's work around utilisation of sustainable aviation fuels.  

A recording of the session can be accessed here