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Cross-border energy infrastructure discussed at DG ENER PCI Days

Our CEO Lawrence Slade spoke with infrastructure financing leaders from across the EU at the third Projects of Common Interest Energy Day in Brussels

Hosted by the EU Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER), PCI Days bring together decision-makers from across the private and public sectors to discuss cross-border infrastructure opportunities and challenges. PCIs support the EU’s ambitions for a Trans-European Network on Energy (TEN-E) in the EU.

During a session on ‘Financing tomorrow’s energy infrastructure’ Lawrence presented GIIA’s latest member insights around existing investments in sustainable EU energy assets, growing positive sentiment towards the bloc and measures needed to mobilise over €200 billion that members have ready to deploy for new projects, including those that can support TEN-E.

He then joined a panel discussion alongside representatives from the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Investment Fund (EIF), the European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), the Directorate-General for Regional Development and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (DG REGIO) and others to stress the importance of regulatory certainty, managing inflationary pressures and fair tax frameworks to spur investment.

The session can be watched below. The accompanying slide deck can be downloaded in the top right hand of the page.